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The Expo will be hold during two days consisting of round tables, seminars and workshops. The issues will concern territorial competitiveness, sustainability of the development ways, innovation and technological transfer, training, territorial marketing, social responsibility related to local development, governance, negotiated planning, intenationalization.

Inside the Expo an expositive section will be provided, aiming to present local development initiatives by organizations acting inside the territories. A third section provides bilateral meetings between administrators, development agents, public and private officers, and researchers.

Giovedì 27 Novembre 2003
9.00 Opening of the local development convention - Sala Cavour

9.45 Innovation and local development: the role of the institutions - Sala Cavour
11.30 The innovation model of European initiative PAXIS - Sala Cavour

11.30 The enterprises and local governments' social responsibility - Sala Giolitti

11.30 Banks foundations for local development - Sala Einaudi

11.30 A comparison of Territorial Pacts - Sala Sella

14.45: Amartya Sen - Trinity College, Cambridge: Globalization, welfare and local development - Sala Cavour

15.15 Local Development globalization - Sala Cavour

15.15 The role of finance in local development - Sala Giolitti

15.00/17.15 Peer Reviews of Paxis Progress - Sala Einaudi - Sala Sella

17.30 Ethics, finance and local development - Sala Cavour

Venerdì 28 Novembre 2003

9.00 Conclusions and perspectives worked out with the actors of the negotiated planning - Sala Cavour

9.00 Social capital and empowerment in local development initiatives - Centro culturale francese

9.00 Policies to single out the irregular labour and local development: a strategy for Europe:- Sala Giolitti

9.00 Peer Reviews of Paxis Progress - Sala Einaudi, Sala sella

11.30 Territory as a resource for local development - Centro culturale francese

11.30 Future developments of PAXIS initiative - Sala Cavour

11.30 Infrastructures and logistic: competitivity conditions - Sala Giolitti

11.30 Urban strategical planning - Sala Einaudi

11.30 Governance processes: how decisions change - Sala Sella

14.30 Quality services for the start up and enterprise development - Centro culturale francese

14.30 SUAP: is it to be considered a local development instrument ? -
Sala Cavour

14.30 Training schools for local development - Sala Giolitti

14.30 Economic policies for local development - Sala Einaudi

14.30 Equality network in local development - Sala Sella

17.15 Local development perspectives: growth, competitivity and cohesion - Sala Cavour

19.15 Ending of local development convention - Sala Cavour
Visualize the Expo's programme with all details concerning the two days' works in PDF size.

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